А peaceful message from the friends of sports and Olympic Commitee

Violation on the fight – is the violation on holiness of the Olympic Fire lighted on the Earth of Antique Hellas.

filaTo Mr. Jacques Rogger,

Dear Mr. Rogger,

This is a peaceful massage from the friends of Sports and Olympic Committee.

We, the people, mainly standing apart from the active sports having no direct contacts and personal interests in this sphere, but living by the sports – are under the profound impression of the note which at the same time is difficult to believe, is real and which comprises the threat of greater danger for future as well. It has already caused a shock in everybody who respects the Olympic family, Olympic thinking, Olympic philosophy, the initial point of which always was a peaceful World, harmonically developed thinker and the athlete, perfection of the man’s soul and body.

Both of us, me and you know well that the Olympic movement, i.e. the movement connected with the name of the Mount Olympus is the games of the Gods who granted it to the mankind for establishing the peace, friendship, kind will in this world. .

We are disturbed by the fact that to the Olympic movement revived twice by Heracles and Pierre de Coubertin a serious split is threatened in case a solution is received on elimination of the .fighters from the Olympic family. On the Mount Olympus the Gods coexisted together and what has happened on such a great Earth that the champions of our time should leave the Olympic field? Is not it true that the fight is one of the oldest Olympic kinds, more precisely, one of the first which had been added to running and comprised the antique pentathlon.

Let’s recollect together that by the very fighting were occupied the world-wide Antique scientists, well-known thinkers, standards of the consciousness of the mankind: Milon de Crotone, Pythagoras, Plato, Pindare, Alkinadi and Aristotle himself, too; As well – the thinkers of the Middle ages, not a single famous leaders of the great states of the New History. The three great persons of the USA being connected with the fighting have achieved the Presidency, a great experience in this field has the Russia as well. To the spiritual strength of the fighters dedicated the songs the Antique and our contemporary greatest poets. It might be that their bright images can give the power to all of us that the decision will be changed, which is able to bring a great harm to the Commonwealth of the Nations.

We declare with proud that the Olympic Games is the greatest achievement of the mankind, that the decision on revival of the Olympic Games of our time has been received by great thinkers, great humanitarians. They understood well the dualistic essence of the Olympic Games:

On the one hand – Provision a peaceful coexistence of the International Commonwealth;

On the other hand – Upbringing of the healthy youth of the separate states for defending the national interests.

In our opinion, it should not be disputable that the fight is the national kind of many people which expresses a chivalrous spirit, great history, glorious traditions of these peoples. That is why the neglecting attitude to the fight by these peoples is perceived as a violation of the national pride. Consequently we have already received the strongest protest charge which has been expressed by declaring a starvation by the greatest sportsmen, in denying to receive the Olympic medals. There is a danger that all these can be overgrown into more radical and considerably mass actions.
The peoples of the world look at the Olympic movement as one of the strongest unifying one, creator of the peace, interrupter of the existing conflicts and in future preventing them totally. As an example of this is the mutual congratulations and embracing of the ladies representatives of two states fighting with each other on the Olympic pedestal in Pekin in 2008.

As the greatest humanist Victor Hugoe notes, the peace is the kindness of civilization and the War – its crime. The people desires the peace. The keys of the peace is in people’s diplomacy. And the most acting weapon of the people’s diplomacy is the World’s Olympic movement. It’s worth thinkable that this unpleasant signal connected with fight has united even those countries unification of which could not manage the politicians and diplomats.

We deal with understanding the strive of Olympic Committee to introduce the element of novelty in Olympic movement by establishing new types, but realization of these novelties should not happen at the expense of those disciplines which themselves represent a symbol of Olympic movement.

The fight is that kind of sports which has destroyed all kinds of religious borders starting from the eight century B.C. and today has the greatest supporters among the followers of all confessions.

Violation on the fight – is the violation on holiness of the Olympic Fire lighted on the Earth of Antique Hellas.

We hope that the International Olympic Committee will accept our letter as a message of kind friends and will envisage the desire pronounced by the Nation’s Great Commonwealth about preserving respectively the fighting in Olympic movement.

Dear highly respected Mr.. Rogger,

This address has been pronounced on initiation of the senators of FILA an its president during closing of the European Championship in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi…. In that country where the sport is a cult, which has the great Olympic champions, where the fight, like in many countries of the world is the carrier of the national honor, in the country where from the very beginning the first toast is raised to the peace and where the sports is a symbol of peace.

The fact that these are not mere words was approved in Tbilisi, too when side by side were standing the children of brotherly nations being in opposition temporarily to each other because of wrongness of fate.

We believe that fighting new federation supported by the Olympic Committee will do its best to revive spectacular and emotional properties of this classical sport to make fighting battles a great feast, expressing a chivalrous esprit.

We have no doubt that our disposition will have a great support all over the world and we’ll win together.

And finally, Dear Mr. Rogger, the fight is identified with chivalry and the history of the Olympic Committee is chivalrous and the decision should be chivalrous, too.

I confirm my great respect and kind attitude to You.

Authors of the appeal of Georgia

Rezo Amashukeli – poet, holder of the “Order of Chevalier” of France, Laureat of Premius of State and Rustaveli, the chairman of the people’s movement “Lazare”, chairman “of the Georgian-Ossetian mission”
Chabua Amiredzhibi – writer, Laureat of Premius of State and Rustaveli
Merab Berdzenishvili – sculptor, Laureat of Premius of State and Rustaveli
Jemal Chkuaseli – Lotbar, People’s Artist of Georgia, Laureat of Premius of State and Rustaveli, the head of the State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of Georgia “Erisioni”
Rezo Chkheidze – film director, Ambassador for Peace, Laureat of Premius of State and Rustaveli, the winner of the Cannes and Edinburgh film festivals.
Dima Jaiani – actor, People’s Artist of Georgia and the Abkhaz Autonomous Republic, winner of the Laureat of Premius of State
Nona Gaprindashvili – Georgian chess player, the sixth women’s world chess champion, eleven-times winner of the Chess Olympiads, first female Grandmaster, the first president of the National Olympic Committee of Georgia.
Roman Rurua – Georgian wrestler, a four-time world and Olympic champion.
Eduard Shevardnadze – the 2nd President of Georgia
Levan Tediashvili – Georgian wrestler, Five-times world champion and two-times Olympic champion.


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